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{"isCandidateLoggedIn": false, "isProfileRegistered": false, "isAllowedForRegistration": true, "registrationNotAllowedReason": null, "candidateLoginMandatory": false, "eventData": {"name": "Overwatch - Crafted Conversations presented by Activision Blizzard Community of Practice ", "groupId": "activision.com", "stageGroupStats": [], "plannedEventEncId": "Mz8QwyXP", "plannedEventId": 132665, "createdBy": "Nikita.Huynh@activision.com", "campaignJson": {"campaign_list": [217196, 217198, 218364, 367109], "invited_event": true, "reminder_event": true, "planned_event": true}, "createdByName": "Nikita Huynh", "institution": "", "venue": "", "address": "https://atvi.zoom.us/j/98631798672", "description": "<p>Have you wanted to have an open and candid conversation with an Art Director? How about with an Artist working in the discipline that you want to join? Have questions for an Art Recruiter? Now\u2019s your chance. We have gathered up some of our best talent for the sole purpose of answering your questions and demystifying the Art/Animation Recruiting process. From what catches a Recruiter\u2019s eye to how to ace an interview we\u2019re here for you!</p><p><br></p><h3>Overwatch Art and Animation Subject Matter Experts:</h3><p><br></p><p><a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/daryl-tan-08266089/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Daryl Tan</strong></a><strong> | Lead Concept Artist (Character)</strong></p><p>Daryl is a Lead Character Concept Artist on the Overwatch 2 team. Since joining the team back in 2018, he has been supporting efforts on both PVE and PVP aspects of Overwatch 2, specifically heroes, skins and enemy NPC units. He is dedicated to pushing the Overwatch art style forward and bringing more compelling characters and cosmetics to the Overwatch universe.</p><p><br></p><p><a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/nilesd/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Niles Doubleday</strong></a> <strong>| Lead Character Artist (PVE)</strong></p><p>Since entering the games industry in 2006 Niles has worked on many aspects of games on all different size teams, from environments on XBLA games to characters on Overwatch. Spending his last 7 years on Overwatch building weapons, skins, and enemy units. His path has led him to love and appreciate building gameplay through art.</p><p><br></p><p><a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcy-lee-a042261a0/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Marcy Lee</strong></a><strong> | Senior Technical Artist</strong></p><p>As a senior character technical artist on the Overwatch team, Marcy enjoys working with the incredible variety of assets the game offers which can range from new heroes , PVE NPCs, and pets to weapons, props, and vehicles. As a tech artist, she also supports debugging maya and engine issues, working as a connection point between art and engineering. Her main goal is to deliver content that players will enjoy.</p><p><br></p><p><a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-nason-9669ba3a/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Brandon Nason</strong></a><strong> | Senior Animator</strong></p><p>Brandon is a Senior Animator on the Overwatch 2 Team. Over his last three years on the project he\u2019s worked on a wide variety of content including emotes, highlight intros, PVE assets, and most recently the first person animations for an unannounced hero. He likes to think of himself as a \u201cGameplay First\u201d animator and loves combining the art of animation with the technical problem solving that comes with being a game dev. Collaborating and team building is also a huge passion of his, and he feels very fortunate to be working alongside some of the most creative, skilled, and driven people in the industry.</p><p><br></p><p><a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/romain-vernhes-50a64162/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Romain Vernhes</strong></a> <strong>| Senior Recruiter</strong></p><p>Romain is one of the two Art & Animation Recruiters on the Overwatch 2 team. He has just started with the Overwatch team, he made his way into the game industry 5 years ago from a very different field. He enjoys collaborating with the teams and managers to find and hire the Artists and Animators to join the project. He is really proud to work on a game that brings so many people together!</p><p><br></p><p><a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-owens-2117413/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Nick Owens</strong></a><strong> | Senior Art Manager</strong></p><p><span class=\"ql-cursor\">\ufeff</span>Nick has worked in games since 2000. He spent the first act of his career, nearly a decade, in environment art for a variety of action titles. Switching to lighting for another decade gave him a much deeper understanding of game art production, getting to collaborate with nearly every area of art, design, and engineering. A few years ago, Nick had the opportunity to move to art management. There he found great joy in cultivating great workplace culture and helping teams grow and perform sustainably.</p><p><br></p><p>Hosted by Community of Practice's Art & Animation Lead Recruiter, <a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/christeen-pucci/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Christeen Mackey</strong></a>!</p>", "eventLocationType": "virtual_event", "completeVenue": "", "when": "past", "eventSessionsJson": {}, "selectedTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "startTimestamp": 1671138000, "endTimestamp": 1671141600, "eventDateAndTime": "Dec 15, 2022, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM | America/Los_Angeles", "editable": false, "eventTeamEditable": false, "allowEventArchive": false, "isArchived": false, "eventCategory": "", "eventLandingURL": "https://app.eightfold.ai/events/candidate?plannedEventId=Mz8QwyXP", "eventType": "OPEN", "eventCompanyName": "Activision", "eventTypeDisplay": "Open Event", "permissions": {"MANAGE_CAMPAIGNS": false}, "customInfo": {}, "publishJson": {}, "checklistCompletionMap": {"eventTeam": true, "landingPage": true, "targetPositions": true, "assessmentForm": true, "addResume": false, "isEventPublished": false, "inviteCampaign": false, "invitedCampaign": true, "reminderCampaign": true, "applicantCampaign": false, "talentPoolCampaign": false, "appliedCampaign": false, "attendedCampaign": false}, "assessmentTemplates": {"templateIds": [2755]}, "eventTeam": [{"email": "cmackey@blizzard.com", "firstName": "Christeen", "lastName": "Mackey", "role": "Recruiter", "profilePictureSrc": "", "title": "", "location": "", "profileEncId": "DRokAjzK", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "Nikita.Huynh@activision.com", "firstName": "Nikita", "lastName": "Huynh", "role": "Talent attraction", "profilePictureSrc": "", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "robin.linn@activision.com", "firstName": "Robin", "lastName": "Linn", "role": "Executive recruiter", "profilePictureSrc": "", "title": "Sr. Dir. 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